FREE Street photography Workshop 15 May 2016 – Basel

Meeting point:Schifflände , Basel

Date: 15 May 2016  |  from  to

Location: Basel

Cost: FREE

Maximum students: 10

Minimum students: 4


Are you an avid street photographer waiting to discover your own street style that will make you stand out from the crowd?

If so, I’d like to invite you to my very special intermediate street photography workshop. We will be studying and analyzing the work of the great street photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Garry Winogrand, Elliott Erwitt, Vivian Maier, and many more!

We will discuss their quotes, images, videos, and documentaries—and learn more about their specific insights into street photography.

We will identify what makes these photographers great and apply these principles to your own unique style.

The maximum group size of 10 participants, which will allow for plenty of hands-on guidance when shooting on the streets and more personalized feedback during critiques.

You will have the opportunity to shoot in the streets of Switzerland alongside myself, where you will be given a specific assignment to shoot. Your assignment photos will be critiqued—identifying what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved.

Below are some topics that will be covered in the workshop:


• A quick history of photography

• An overview of how digital cameras work

• The basics of your camera’s features, how the buttons work, and how to change settingsPhotograph composition and techniques to make your photos POP!

• You will also learn about photography’s most basic element – light – and the fundamentals of how you can control it with your camera’s most important functions:Aperture – Determine what is in focus, Shutter Speed – Stop action or blur motion, ISO – Adjust the camera’s sensitivity to light, White Balance – Ensure the camera records color correctly

• Understanding the critical relationship between these camera settings and how they impact the images you capture

After Basic info we will get in “the real world of images”

Topics we will cover in the workshop

• Discovering the top street photography styles to find your own voice

• How to get stronger compositions in your street photography

• Personal guidance on developing your strengths in street photography

• How to approach people when shooting on the streets

• An advanced guide on editing (selecting your best work) as well as post-processing in Lightroom and other tools.

• How to market yourself as a street photographer and get your work more recognized

• An in-depth study of the master street photographers

• Specialised street photography assignments.

• How to create images that tell compelling stories

• Constructive critique of your current portfolio and photos taken during the workshop

** This workshop is well suited for the beginers or intermediate photographer. Non or foundational photography skills.

** Basic computer and Adobe Lightroom skills will be necessary to keep up with the editing component of the workshop, but extensive experience with Lightroom is not necessary.

** We recommend a digital SLR or mirrorless camera for this workshop. A wide angle lens is perhaps the most useful for landscape photography, but other medium-length lenses and telephoto lenses can be useful too.

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